Holy S**T
Solanke or Costa - I know who I would pick. Bournemouth, are you kidding me! What was it? 6 months ago it would have been a lamb to the...

Solanke or Costa - I know who I would pick.
Bournemouth, are you kidding me! What was it? 6 months ago it would have been a lamb to the slaughter. Bring in the new boys to fortress Stamford Bridge and walk away with 3 points, without barely breaking sweat. Now we huff and puff, like a wolf outside the pigs brick house and we cannot blow down the opposition.
Sure we had enough possession, and some dynamic play, but what the heck has happened to our ability to stuff the onion bag?
How long can this go on? Jose - stay or go? That is the ultimate question, but irrelevant of whether the manager stays or goes. it is ultimately down to the talent on the pitch.
Talent and I use that word liberally at the moment. Who would you rather see - Fabregas or RLC? I know? Costa, don't even get me started on that front, but then again is Remy the answer - probably not. So is the system, or is the players?
I don't care who is wearing the blue shirt, but I do care about effort and passion and whether a loss on the field actually damages the players weekend and evening's sleep.
I remember watching the likes of Doug Rougvie and Joey Jones; limited players, but by God, when they ran to the West stand, tattoos blazing and fists pumped, you knew that win or lose they would leave their heart and souls out on the pitch and literally die for the club and the fans.
I am a fan of many years and this has been one of the most frustrating seasons ever. Are we going to get relegated - who the hell knows. Could we be the first team to win the Champions league and be relegated in the same season? Would fans be alright with that?
I don't know what the answer is - stick with the players who won you the title last season and hope it all turns around, or throw in the kids like RLC, Kennedy, Traore. I mean look at the 34 players out on loan. Would Kalas be any less experienced or worse than Cahill or Zouma? Would Solanke score less than Costa? Don't even get me on what De Bruyne and Lukaku, might be able to do in a Chelsea shirt?
Frustration is getting worse as you wait for the break out each game. This is the one, this is the game, where they finally put it together, and then 90 minutes later, the questioning begins again.
Porto is huge, but so is looming relegation. I mean, we have Ranieri (who I always liked) as top of the table Leicester (God that hurts to type) hosting us and we come in as underdogs. When was the last time that happened?
The thing is I care. I will read the gossip papers, I will write my blog response, I will make time to watch the game and I will cheer on my boys in Blue. This is my team, this is our team and all we can do is support them, even if some of the players don't warrant our support.
My days will live and breathe and be good or bad with the results of The Chels. I can't do anything else. They are part of my soul and in my blood, but Holy S**T, let's get it together boys and play for the badge and have a better second half to the season that we did in the first.
You are so right. I have watched us over many years, good and bad, but always there was a passion, we might not have been good enough to win but we b****y well tried. stop buying talented youngsters and refusing them a start, other teams seem to manage it. Is Jose the stumbling block? His excuses are many on how we was robbed etc. but has he forgotten how to select a winning team and change tactics when necessary?
ReplyDeleteHave to agree to a certain/degree with both you and CC,we all must wonder can it get any worse,is Jose the problem?by that I mean his refusal to promote/players from within the club,are they that bad,;in his view;which beggers the question,;why we have them;;We know that his preferred option is to buy ready/made,so to speak,but even that is,nt working,,ie how much did we pay for Baba,and how much game time has he had,,there,s even player,s we,ve brought who I struggle to remember,,,just what is our buying/policy,and ;WHO; decides it..surely we could/should have been able to promote 1/2 players from within the club..do that over a couple of season,s,and I shudder to think of the team we could now have.Like many I,ve seen many a player here,from Reg Mathews,the Mortimer/bros,Big Mickey Droy,Dempsey,etc etc,,not the greatest by any stretch,but they all put there shift,s in,,;in bucketloads;;the lot we have now seem to think that last years/glory was enough for a while,we,ve all been on a journey with our support of CFC,and for me that won,t change ever,But FOR F,S,enough is enough,my message to Jose and the players is shape up,or ship out,,,we will survive with or without you,,,would prefer it to be with you if possible but by god you are testing our patiance,,,I m just amazed RA,has,nt pulled the trigger yet,,,seeing him Saturday,his face alone frightened me,,he looked ready to burst...
Deleteregardless who is up front they will not get the service, playing like the old tippy tappy arsenal, trying to walk the ball into the goal, think how frustrated costa must be never know if a cross will come in and if it does, never know what area it will be played into, saying that he is more out of the box then in, never attacks the front post similar to torres skulking at the far post, playing square and back giving the oppo time for everyman to get back behind the ball, then having to play in front of the oppo's defence easy to defend against when you know none of our player will make forward runs, it ain't rocket science, every team in he lge creates chances where as we are lucky to create a few with all our attacking talent, stats don't lie shots on goal ratio is so poor i would not be surprised to see the oppo keeper leaning against his post having a fag.