REPORTS: Eva is back! Chelsea are a happy family again!
According to reports, Eva Carneiro has been invited back to Chelsea's training ground in Cobham to report back to work this morning a...
According to reports, Eva Carneiro has been invited back to Chelsea's training ground in Cobham to report back to work this morning and possibly back on the Chelsea bench in the future. According to the ridiculous Chelsea reports, We could be a happy family again!
Like many of you, I have sit and read numerous articles and reports that surrounded the whole "Eva-Gate" Episode. I have even read articles blaming Chelsea's lack of form on what happened to the Chelsea Physio which is scandalous to say the least.
According to reports in the Broadsheet Papers this morning, Chelsea have invited Carneiro back this morning, the first time since August 8th and it would remain to be seen if she decided to attend.
As for this whole situation being to blame for our lack of form? I think it's ridiculous.
The sooner that this whole situation is forgotten about and everyone can concentrate on what's important again (being the football) the better!