What We Learnt Against United That We Should Already Know!

What an absolutely stunning game it was on Sunday. It was the kind of match that revives my hope in Chelsea and what we can achieve. I ...

What an absolutely stunning game it was on Sunday. It was the kind of match that revives my hope in Chelsea and what we can achieve. I was unable to watch it live unfortunately but I taped it and watched it that evening, and boy was it worth it! There were, through, a lot of things that the game showed us that we should already know, but are worth pointing out, especially since some of them rarely get a mention.

First, a few things we already know from the game itself that are not directly Chelsea issues.
  1. Hernandez has and will always score against Chelsea. If he starts in the replay I’m going to stick a £10 anytime bet for him to score!
  2. Chelsea seem to have a magical relationship with the FA cup.
  3. Ferdinand is still a bit of a Moron.
 Moving onto what we already know but that we learnt again about ourselves… Ramires and Lampard do not work as a centre midfield pair. They never have and they never will, yet we see it all too often. May it not happen too frequently in the future. Personally, I prefer the combination of Mikel and Ramires, but when you throw Luiz into the mix there are a few potentials. 

We also learnt why Mikel is good for the team. He is good for the team because he is the ONLY player in our midfield (including Luiz when he plays there) with no attacking mentality and no attacking desire that leads him to neglect all defensive responsibilities. He is quite happy to chill behind everyone else (I say chill because he does almost seem to be chilling out with a cup of tea sometimes; he could certainly be a little more urgent) and allow people like Lampard and Ramires to get forward and do what they do best, mentally unimpeded by deciding who must stay back and who must go forwards.

We witnessed once more what many seem unable to accept, that Lampard and Cole are not what they were. It’s a shame to say, but they hold us back now, and whilst they put in a good individual performance from time to time, they are nowhere near consistent enough. I am not ‘hating on them’, just saying it how it is. With all respect to them, I believe that Lampard should be let go, and that giving Cole a new contract was a mistake. I can see why they start so much at the moment though, because there is not a great deal of depth in their positions at the club.

This game also proved to the fans what we are frustrated about most, that Manchester United are not 19 points better than us! Really, this match goes to show that there is no excuse for being where we are. I do not necessarily believe we should be the favourites for winning the league, but we should at least be competitive. May the blame for this fall wherever you choose.

David Luiz is awesome. Don’t understand why there are some who blame every woe on him. A strong leader, the only one I can say that gives 100% in every game, the ambassador to our youth and a player we must keep hold of.

I think we saw it quite a bit in this match, certainly early on, that Demaba Ba is a selfish player. This is something I was aware of before he came to Chelsea, and there hasn’t been a lot to change my mind. He is not completely out of order of course but he does disappoint me too often with some of decisions to shoot or run with the ball. I haven’t seen once person say this since he arrived so perhaps it just me who believes this for the moment, but next time he is playing just think about his decision making. He’s not as selfish as Sturridge was but still…

Finally, I was quite proud to hear the outstanding away support given to the team. Even when we were 2-0 down, we heavily out-sang the home support. Our support has always been good of course, but our away fans have certainly stepped up this year. If anyone reading this was at the match, keep it up! One day when I have the time and resources I shall join you!

Follow on twitter:@cody_bound

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Carefree & KTBFFH!

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  1. Well maybe your observations were spot on.But you should be kinder & more generous with your words for once.Mikel should be respected by Chelsea fans.He's a great defensive midfielder.He's very tactically aware.Hence he trys to play his role when he's on the pitch.The other midfielders are not more skillful than him.You fail to mention the impact of Hazard when he came in.Mikel & Hazard changed the came for Chelsea last Sunday.I hope Rafa noted that.There should be a starting 11 eleven,then others will compliment!Thank you!

  2. This article would have been flawless, if the writer had ACCORDED MIKEL the respect he deserve and points out LAMPARD's lapses........perhaps, i should ask how much do you know about mikel, and if mikel had been careless like lampard, going foward at the expense of the team, just imagine what would happened?
    Mikel can attack, he'd done it before and will always do it if given the opportunity.
    Mikel sacrifice his attacking option for the team, he allows ramires to roam, even in the the days of essien, this what he he'd been doing for the team.
    Many at times, when JT wants to go foward, he'd signal to MIKEL to stay put.
    Am still waiting to see all the accolades you showered on david, he's too adventurous unnecessarily, at times playing without purpose, as for, cole, maybe he had a bad game, but pls we dnt have anyone like him now and i'd want to see betrand go on loan before chelsea help him to destroy his about-to-start career.
    Lastly, why did u spare petr, he made two costly mistakes.
    If madrid can let go Raul, i think it's high time we let go lampard or accept to come from the bench.

  3. your article was great, and the isues you pointed were correct, kudos. Our problem is not the team but the coach, we dont have a standard 11, and his team selection and substitiön frustrates me, the his substitiön has improved . If u are a close observant of this chelsea team u would've noticed that (1. Aspilicueta perform better in 3 than ivanovic, and (2. That luiz except for some blunders plays better as a defender. (3. That ramires and mikel are our best DM pairing. (4. That hazard, mata, oscar tend to perform more when the trio are on the pitch together. Yet benitez switches the team the way he wants, regardless of form or compatibility, 1 thing made me love morinho so much, he does not joke with any trophy, he plays his best team and looks farward to winning every trophy, thats why he does not finish a season without a trophy. Same cannot be said about rafa, his team selectiön kills every teams-spirit, with this sort of rotation, I just pray we end up in the top 4.

  4. I believe d prob with chelsea is as a team dey seem to gve up 2 easily dis season. I believe hazard is a wondaful player but cannot perform at his best all season @ plus hazard is beter as a winger dan a number 10. Chelsea goals prob is bcos of d over reliance on our creative triplet especialy 'mata'. Chelsea seem lost in ideas wen mata is not playing. Oscar is not a natural 10, he performs beta playng from d central midfield nd mikel is d only best d.m in chelsea.

  5. hahahahaha not offer lamps a new contract? why the bloody hell not. hes the 2nd best mid on this team besides mata. you cant buy experience and skill like he has. while he had an off day, and mikel was very good, i still think lamps is miles better then mikel.

