Passionate Rafa Hate!!!

As a new blogger I wanted to have an upbeat take on a subject for which I have a passion.   I love Chelsea FC.   It is astounding how quick...

As a new blogger I wanted to have an upbeat take on a subject for which I have a passion.  I love Chelsea FC.  It is astounding how quickly this has happened.  Like many of you readers the love I feel allows performances to affect my day, mood, happiness or basic enjoyment of life.  So I wanted to write about the future, our great prospects on loan, and the team roster for next season.  I will get to these things, but after watching the pathetic game in the Europa League against Bucharest I need to release my hatred.

            This hatred is all pointed at RAFA FUCKING BENITEZ (by the way can this be his official name from this moment on?).  I understand that it was a club decision to bring him to Chelsea FC (I also have great hatred for our board at the moment), but his behavior and decisions are truly horrific.  They are ruining my enjoyment of my team.

The biggest indictment of Rafa is: what exactly has he done for this team besides collect a paycheck? 

  ·      This team has not improved at all.  What are the tactics he has applied?  Rafa claimed that Oscar, Hazard and Mata could not play together, yet against West Brom when he needed to win whom did he play? Oscar, Hazard, and Mata.  So what has he given to the team?  The answer is nothing.  He has changed nothing from Di Matteo.
  ·      Are the players improving?  The obvious players to get better were the young players.  Hazard, Oscar, Marin, Moses all needed to improve as a natural consequence of playing in a new league and a new team with large expectations.  Not one has improved because of Rafa.  Not one has changed their game, become more defensively solid, or impacted the team more since his arrival.  Again, his impact is imperceptible on the most important aspect of helping players - making them mature into better from a manager’s influence.
  ·      Torres?  This is so sad it is not even worth comment.
  ·      Fans? Do I even need to say anything? This rant ought to suffice.
  ·      Competitions?  Out of the League Cup, Out of the EPL title race, Man U on Sunday for the FA CUP (we will be out, sadly), currently down a goal in the Europa League.  At no point has Rafa actually improved our standing in any competition.  No new tactics or player involvement.  Instead a continuous downward spiral.

The worst part of what I have just written down isn’t just that it is true, but that there is no hope in sight before the summer.  There is nothing to do but muddle through.  I hate watching this happen to my team that I love.  It is heartbreaking and soul destroying.  I can’t even be ironic or sarcastic.  I am simply MAD.

I know the response to the above statements will be for some fans to comment that it is the board and owner who have put us in this situation.  I agree their decisions are not great.  But no one can convince me that Roman doesn’t want to win.  He has given one billion to the club.  He buys great players (lets not forget that Hazard, Oscar, Mata, Luiz, Moses, Ba etc.) for the benefit of the club and to make us great.  His advisors clearly need to change.

BUT Rafa took the job knowing all of these things about the team.  We are transitioning, yet Rafa is not helping with this transition.  Instead he is ruining the team.  He is a useless figure at the club.  He should be out NOW.  He is a bad manger and deserves nothing but hate from those of us who care about the club.

I wish I didn’t have to write this, but the rage is pouring out of me.  This article is slightly tame because I am trying to be coherent as opposed to just streaming curses and hatred into the vision of fans who read this site.  Make no mistake RAFA OUT cannot come soon enough so that I never feel this bad again.

Carefree & KTBFFH

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  1. Hopeless rafa.sent from hell yo destroy chelsea

  2. RAFA should out he's making ♍ξ mad too...ℓ̊ don't like him right from begging..Roman and the board you are making fans tired of our Beloved Team "THE BLUE" RAFA should out with his Bad Luck

  3. de destroyer of de season lts leave him till may bitch

  4. Look Chelsea WHO! The board or whatever Benitez, stop play on our happiness cuz is life. So therefore, to release the mind and body from tension is life extension.

  5. All the team look so bad
    The Game in rumania was so awfull
    All the team needs a slap in the Face Roman style
    And Benítez needs to go to a pub full of chelsea fans

  6. What a rubbish article. Its not like we haven't noticed any of this ourselves.
    Maybe he will redeem himself by dropping Lampard from the team and playing Oscar and Marin more often.

  7. With you. I can't believe with so much rotation we can still look so predictable and pedestrian under FafaTwat. As far as the board goes; what I don't understand is that RDM was clearly given the task of bringing all that new talent together and getting us to play sexy tic tac football. Why didn't they simply turn around to RDM and say, ok, resort to the tactics we had last season end to get the results...any way, enough whys, what ifs and maybes. We've just got to go through the torture of watching FafaTwats football and cross our fingers that our great players can see us across the Champs Lg qualification line. Then, well I would love Jose of course but frankly, I'd have your gran in charge ahead of RafaTwat; oh twat....leave my club alone. KTBFFH

  8. I am too emotional to comment. Seriously. FUCK RAFA it makes no sense whatsoever he is completley LOST has NO TACTICS and the players DO NOT want to play for him you can see it in there body language! And my word TORRES is beyond terrible he wouldnt even make Leeds United's bench!!! i am tired, exhausted and cannot take this anymore. Ill support the club to the dying days but we are in absolute dire straits at the moment.

  9. i really do not kno' wat else 2 say than wish him (RAFA) bad 2 av brought upon this great team (CHELSEAFC) shame. i cannot remember d last tym i saw my luvly team's match all cos of RAFA and d confused board. Nufin has changed really ever since he assumed this position 4rm RDM. D truth is i personally wud av preferred RDM's assistant 2 take over & c us thru' d season b4 we cud finally decide on wat permanent manager to summon. D spending spree on FAKE Manager(s) hasn't helped us one bit as things actually started falling apart ever since d special one left. How i wish i cud c him back at d Bridge to claim his role.

    Chelsea 4 Life

  10. Thanks for this article cos you just did more than speak my mind, ever since rafa fucking benitez took over, i stopped watching most chelsea games rather id check the score line. honestly we've not seen the worst yet.

  11. While Rafa has to take some of the blame for our current struggles surely we must acknowledge the part played by the owner, Board, players and fans, all of whom are more culpable than Benitez. In my opinion.

  12. I take it you know RB,to make this comment,,You don,t speak for me,,,,hate is a strong emotion in football/now,,,,dislike him/ok,,don,t want him here/fine,,like a lot of CFC/fans,,I thought it was the wrong choice,but was willing to give him a chance,,it has,nt worked out at all,,and I don,t hate him for that,,,,and we know he is going at end of season,,,the blame is not all down to RB,so spread the blame to where it should be,,Board Players etc...

  13. Irrespective of how bad (or good) Chelsea players, Rafa, board or the owner are, no human being can play football at the highest level for 4-5 months every 2-3 days. Chelsea are victims of participation in many competitions with a very short squad. The same group of 13-14 guys played 50 games already and there are many more ahead. Whenever Torres "leads" the attack, Chelsea plays essentially 10 v 11, with obvious consequences. No matter how much you're paid, there are limits for physical and mental sharpness of the players. I don't feel anger when Chelsea loses nowadays, just pity for whoever is stupid enough to run good players into the ground...

  14. Only read one word but that was enough. 'Hate', never achieves anything, infact it may achieve the opposite of what you want. There is evidence of growing support for Rafa only as defence against the haters. fair minded people dont like to see someone getting hounded and abused.

  15. I feel your pain mate, I really do. I look forward to every game with hope but that hope is slowly getting crushed. The players obviously feel the same, it must be so hard with such a prat for a manager.
    All we have to hope for is maybe a cup, though that is not very likely, or hanging on to a top 4 position, which should be a walk in the park with our squad but has been made a struggle due to our manager.
    The only ray of hope on the horizon is the specter of The Special Ones return.....

