Chelsea fail with Pirlo bid??
Its been reported that AC Milan has turned down a bid from Chelsea of £12.5m for Andrea Pirlo plus Claudio Pizzaro . AC Milan have apparent...

Its been reported that AC Milan has turned down a bid from Chelsea of £12.5m for Andrea Pirlo plus Claudio Pizzaro. AC Milan have apparently said that Pirlo is worth £35m.
Listen, I know Ancelotti knows him well and he played for him for a number of years but for me, we need to put the cheque book away and look at bolstering our squad somewhere else rather than our midfield.
It looks as though Deco will stay, we have enormous strength in depth in that area and if Ancelotti continues to play with the 4-diamond-2 formation then places are going to limted anyway.
Come on chaps, let's look elsewhere for younger players as I have said before this one is not for me! What do the rest of you think?