A Chelsea Fans Blog for was created at the beginning of March 2009 . The Blog is about all I see in the world of Chelsea and quite simply r...
As you all know by now there are loads and loads of Blog's or Sites out there that do the same but hopefully I am trying to do it a little bit different. The Blog is written by me, Chelseadaft a lifelong Chelsea Fan through the good times and bad. I have been a fan from as early as i can remember and I used to help my Dad and Grandad on the old Fruit & Veg stall in North End Road, leave there at 1430 every other Saturday and take the short walk to Stamford Bridge and stand and watch our beloved Chelsea in the Shed end.
The ground has changed, players have come and gone, likewise managers but one thing still remains. That's our Blue Blood. I am and always will be Chelsea through and through like the rest of you.
So take a look around my Blog and please feel free to comment on any of my posts that you desire as the more public interaction the better. If you have any thoughts and opinions about my site or want to contact me for anything please do by selecting the Contact tab at the top. Like I have said, these are my thoughts and opinions as a true Chelsea fan. Passionate about our team and our Club. So Keep (K) the (T) Blue (B) Flag (F) Flying (F) High (H) - KTBFFH & Carefree!
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